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Create & Publish Interactive Maps in no time.

Create various kinds of interactive maps in seconds.
Publish on your websites right away

Select Your Map Type

Mapjay Features

Drag & drop map builder.
Anyone can create maps using Mapjay. No coding required.
Powerful tools
Powerful tools for your requirements, such as highlight regions, drop markers, draw lines for routes, draw shapes and more

Maps across industries

Endless possiblities with our powerful map builder.
Travel & Tourism Maps
Our Map builder can create beautiful & usable travel maps instantly. It can be used to make road trips, itinerary maps, tourism maps etc.
Real Estate Maps
Build user friendly real estate maps instantly. Add Property / real-estate locations along with your data.
Store Locator Maps
Easily and instantly create store or branch locator Maps. Just drag & drop pins and 1-clilck Publish!
Contact us Page Maps
Drop a pin and get your contact us map ready in seconds!

Seamless & instant Integration across platforms