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Custom Maps

Tailor made for your requirements

Our custom map solutions are tailor made for client's requirements. While our instant online map builder can be used to create most type of maps but there can be special & customized requirements which requires customized solutions.

We develop beautiful, interactive & responsive maps of every type. Showing locations, custom markers, custom backgrounds, routes, area highlightings, 3d Maps, 3d Globes and much more. We can use variety of technologies / Api's to deliver optimum and most cost effective solutions for the clients. Please see below screenshots from our actual projects.

Contact our official developer at Fiverr (itsjawadk)

3d Responsive map with filters and custom icons.

Map with draggable / scrollable timeline & search

Map auto-positioning along with scroll of sidebar.

Map with Admin Panel / GPS locations extracted from Photos.

Sidebar Accordian / Categories

Advance spatial consensus tool

Custom Filters / search options.

Color Pins / Filters / Adv. Search

User Markers / Custom radius / Saving to google-sheet

Map and charts based on data (Data Sources: API / google-sheet / Excel / Custom DB)

Spatial Consensus System / User comments

Editable Company Locations Map

3d World with data / popups

Full zoomable, 3d Earth / Globe with custom data.

3d Globe with data visualizations

Custom base / tiles colors, custom popups, custom pins.

Dynamic data Maps

Geo Chart Maps

Business locations / categories.

Custom image location map

SVGs / data over real map.

Custom filters & area covering

Map location comparisons / filters.

Ancient / Historic Maps.

Custom Image Map / map tiles.

3d Buildings Views / Rotations

Clustered Pins

Region Highlighting / Coloring based on data. / GEOJSON

Data Analysis / Charting with map regions.

Custom Itinerary Maps

GoogleSheets Data - Sidebar list & Map

Dynamic Filters - Map

Data Presentation over the map

Sidebar Accordian / Categories - Outdoor Map.

Filters / Clusters Map.

Store Locators

Flat map / custom colors & popup

3d Tree locator

Pan & Zoom in 3d terrain

World Map with highlighted Countries & US States.

Raised regions based on custom data.

Map based Quiz / Scoring & gamification / multiplayer support.

Map Styles

Map Style Dark

Map Style Light

Map Style Street

Map Style Street

Maps Technology

We develop maps with Javascript & HTML. Our maps are full responsive. We use libraries refined for your requirements. Most of our applications are built with Leaflet, ArcGIS, google maps API or Mapbox API.
Our Maps are fully compatible with all content management systems and platforms. We build maps for Squarespace, Wordpress, Wix or for any custom web solutions.